Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Pedestrian vs. The City of Roma

ciao tutti,

Todays topic: The pedestrians 10 step guide to surviving Roma.
Rule I: Roma has reinvented the idea of sidewalks. For instance, if there happens to be a sidewalk (which is rare) and said sidewalk is not street level (which is almost unheard of) than you can safely assume that this sidewalk will not be a sidewalk, but instead a parking lot of thru-way for scooters. Hint: Avoid sidewalks

Rule II: Instead of walking on the sidewalks, instead take to the streets but make sure that you are not listening to music, a cellphone, or the voice in your head, because you may get run down without the aid of hearing. Hint: Roads good, ears better

Rule III: If you come to a street that has a constant stream of traffic and it is at a stoplight, press stoplight button and wait, it should only take 3-5 minutes. Hint: Stoplights are good, waiting at them is better

Rule IV:
If you come to a street that has a constant stream of traffic and it has no stoplight, gather your friends together and slowly encroach on the road. Play the game of staring down the drivers to see who flinches and slows down, then walk very quickly to the other side before they can rethink their decision. Hint: Cross in groups, they can hit you all

Rule V:
If you come to a street that has a constant stream of traffic and it has a stoplight, but you are in a hurry and want to use rule IV to cross. DONT! Romans feel that they only need to stop if there is no light, if a light is anywhere in sight and you are crossing they will play the game of 'how quickly can I make the tourists dive out from in front of my car/scooter/truck. Hint: NEVER attempt to cross a busy street near a light when the light is green

Rule VI: If you want to walk for an extended period in the middle of a street prehaps start a protest for any reason of your choice, within a matter of minutes many others will join you with their flags/banners of choice and soon the polizia will barracade the street of for your personal use (more on this later) Hint: Protest=Good street walking

Rule VII: Dont feel bad when you trip on the uneven/slippery cobblestone, you will probably get assistant from a helping hand. Hint: Fall over is a good way to make friends

Rule VIII: It usually a good idea to carry an umbrella if the weather at all threatens rain, not for the sake of staying dry. Instead so that you are not attacked by 20 umbrella sellers within a block trying to get a sale. Hint: Umbrellas may finally have a purpose

Rule IX: The best walking is found on tiny raised curbes usually in the middle of busy streets, just make sure they dont end leaving your stranded. Hint: tiny curbs both fun and good

Rule X: If all else fails and you cant find your way (haha... jokes) just follow the crowd, its a great city to be lost in! Hint: lost=excellent

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you chose to use roman numerals. I'm also glad that I was able to pick up on that. I've got your back Brian.
